Monday, July 25, 2011

Portable air conditioners

portable air conditioner can work in all places. It can be placed anywhere for example warehouses, boats, trucks and recreational vehicles. Just like a window air conditioning unit, the portable one also uses electricity to function. It is small and portable and it is because of these traits that it can be used in small places. Portable air conditioners are placed in such places where installing permanent and central air conditioning is not possible.

Portable air conditioners are best suited for industrial places. This is because portable air conditioners can be rolled over around from one area to another. This saves the cost of cooling because it would be a great waste trying to cool the entire warehouse. The portable air conditioner is often put to outdoor commercial use. So it has been modified to suite such conditions. So the cooling technology was changed. Its size was reduced and it was made capable to adapt to battery converters.

Previously all types of air conditioners ran on coolants, which is similar to the ones, which are installed on windows. Portable air conditioners use a chemical called freon and the power is got from the ordinary 120-volt electric source. One thing should be kept in mind when you are using this portable air conditioner. The cooling process includes the functioning of chemicals and so the air conditioner must have an outlet through a duct or window. Portable air conditioners can be as large as huge windows and they are mounted on sturdy casters. This is of great help because it can be easily moved from place to another. These conditioners help to cool warehouses where people occupy only certain places. They can be used in small offices as well has areas where temperature sensitive equipments like computers or motors are kept.

Another new variety of portable air conditioners has come up. This new type uses the technology known as evaporative technology rather than using the coolant. This is quite similar to a swamp cooler. These are smaller and more portable devices.
These have an inbuilt reservoir from where the cooling and humidification through evaporation takes place. This compact air conditioner can be carried almost anywhere be it your car, truck, boat, motor home and everywhere which has the provision to provide power from a 12-volt converter. It can be easily taken care of by refilling the reservoir on a regular basis. It is very effective and quickly cools and refreshes small areas. It also does not need to be vented , 

Complement of  : Jason Uvios